Archaeology Field School 2015

During the summer 2015 field season, Dr. Mark Mitchell, Research Director of the Paleocultural Research Group, was asked to run the Department of Anthropology Archaeology Field School with the assistance of Chris Johnston and Julia Kenyon, two graduate students working with Dr. Jason LaBelle, Associate Professor of Archaeology in the Department of Anthropology. The field […]

Dr. Snodgrass editor of new blog series: Bioculturalism

Dr. Jeffrey Snodgrass, Professor in the Department of Anthropology, is the editor of a new series, Bioculturalism, for the collaborative blog, Somatosphere. “This series aims to get anthropologists and closely-related others talking seriously, and thinking practically, about how to synergize biological and social scientific approaches to human health and well-being, and to what positive ends.” The […]

Dr. Galvin member of Global Climate Change Task Force

The final report of the American Anthropological Association’s Global Climate Change Task Force concluded that human decisions, actions, and cultural behaviors are now the most important causes of the rapidly changing climate. “We’re not going to solve our environmental problems until we incorporate the social sciences, because it starts with people,” said Dr. Kathleen Galvin, […]

CSU Anthropology Student Research: Early Eocene Primates in Bighorn Basin

Luke Weaver, an anthropology major with a minor in geology, presented his capstone research project, “Lateral and temporal distribution of early Eocene primates in relation to relative paleosol maturity, Willwood Formation, Bighorn Bason, Wyoming,” at the Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists (WAVP) Conference Luke Weaver, an anthropology major with a minor in geology, presented his […]

In support of CSU’s contingent faculty

Faculty and staff at Colorado State University showed positive support for contingent faculty members on February 25, 2015. Dr. Ann Magennis, a biological anthropologist in the Department of Anthropology, said that she supports her colleagues “because they are not getting the pay, recognition, or job security they deserve.” Dr. Magennis continued, “It is clear there […]

International Workshop on Sustainability held by Dr. Kathleen Galvin

Kathleen Galvin held an international workshop January 28-31, 2015 on Dryland Collaborative Institutions and Innovative Transformations to Sustainability. A group of academics, scholars, managers and practitioners of dryland collaboratives from Mongolia, Kenya and the US met to ‘discover, dream, design and deliver’ research for a Knowledge Network to address natural resource problems in rangelands. Collaboratives/conservancies constitute […]

CSU Anthropology Student Publishes an Ethnographic Cookbook

As part of her senior Honors thesis, Dr. Snodgrass’ Colorado State University Honors Program student, Madison Brandt, has created and self-published an ethnographic cookbook. For this book, Madison cooked with and interviewed the people and chefs of Fort Collins (both professional and non-professional) to document their food, recipes, lives, communities, and culture. The book really captures […]

Addicted to World of Warcraft

Dr. Snodgrass has been researching the connection between video games and stress relief. As appearing in The Guardian | November 14, 2014 Don’t let me buy Warlords of Draenor, please by Alex Hern Every two years or so, I’m put to the test. Unbidden memories start to surface, of talent trees, epic mounts, and raiding. Hotkey […]

Dr. Kathy Galvin Elected to Board of Trustees for The Nature Conservancy in Colorado

As appearing in The Denver Post | 10.20.14 Vectra Bank CEO, three others named Nature Conservancy trustees Longtime Vectra Bank CEO Bruce Alexander is one of four new trustees of The Nature Conservancy in Colorado. The nonprofit conservation group said Kathleen Galvin, who directs a research program in the School of Global Environmental Sustainability at […]