Dr. Snodgrass and alumnus, Dr. Dengah, awarded NSF Grant

EAGER: A Biocultural Study of the Functional Genomics of Intensive Internet Use National Science Foundation BCE #: 1600448, awarded Nov. 16, 2015 PI: Jeffrey G. Snodgrass (Colorado State University) Co-PI: Francois Dengah (Utah State University) With Steve Cole (UCLA), Michael G. Lacy (CSU), Daniel Lende (USF)   This project, directed by Dr. Jeffrey Snodgrass of […]

Dr. Snodgrass editor of new blog series: Bioculturalism

Dr. Jeffrey Snodgrass, Professor in the Department of Anthropology, is the editor of a new series, Bioculturalism, for the collaborative blog, Somatosphere. “This series aims to get anthropologists and closely-related others talking seriously, and thinking practically, about how to synergize biological and social scientific approaches to human health and well-being, and to what positive ends.” The […]

Addicted to Prayer

As appearing on The New York Times | 08.03.13 by T. M. Luhrmann AS evidence accumulates about the many health benefits of religious practice, prayer is looking better and better. Some atheists have even gone public with their own prayer-for-health’s-sake practice. Take Sigfried Gold, the subject of a recent article in The Washington Post. He’s […]

Colorado State University Study Examines Potential Positive Effects of Video Games

As appearing in CSU News | April 04, 2011 Note to Reporters: Photos of Jeff Snodgrass and his virtual research team are available with the news release at www.news.colostate.edu. Snodgrass will talk about this research along with providing a live demonstration of World of Warcraft at 6 p.m. April 8 at Primrose Studio in Reservoir […]