Anthropology student travels to Belize for Archaeology Field School

by Jesse Bain The Rio Bravo Archaeological Survey (RBAS), which operates in Belize under a permit issued from the Institute of Archaeology to Dr. Fred Valdez, Director of the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project (PfBAP), is essentially a Maya archaeology field school that trains students in archaeological field methods within the context of a state-of-the-art […]

Dr. Browne awarded NSF grant for workshop in October

National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Kate Browne, Principal Investigator and Dr. Caela O’Connell, Co-Principal Investigator, funding to host a workshop at Colorado State University in mid-October 2016. The workshop will convene 12 anthropologists and practitioners for 2.5 days to collaborate about the need to integrate cultural insights into the disaster recovery paradigm. From the […]

Conservation and Anthropology Meet in Utila, Honduras

by Suzanne Kent Faculty member Suzanne Kent, Ph.D. and M.A. candidate Cheri Smarr-Foster assisted with an ethnographic research project on the small island of Utila, Honduras in July of 2016.  They worked in collaboration with a team, including the research lead, Keri Brondo, Ph.D. of the University of Memphis.  Luis Chévez Contreras with the Bay […]

A New Field Season Record: Students Find Over 640 Fossils

by Kimberly Nichols Working in fossil beds dating to 56-53 mya in the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming, the 2016 Colorado State University (CSU) Paleontology Field School crew, with the addition of visitors from the CSU Department of Anthropology, Dr. Joe Sertich of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and former Paleontology Field School students […]

Amanda Jones Scholarship Makes International Field Experience a Reality

As appearing in the CLA Magazine | 04.27.16   by Katie Horton   Kellyn Davis is a senior Anthropology and Biomedical Sciences double major as well as Anthropology Club’s financial officer and volunteer coordinator for the Honors Student Association.   Last summer, Kellyn traveled to Kenya to attend a six-week paleontology field school located in the Koobi Fora […]

Dr. Browne received the 2016 Ann Gill Excellence in Teaching Award

  As appearing in SOURCE | May 10, 2016 College of Liberal Arts faculty honored at 2016 awards ceremony by Rachael Johnson Ann Gill, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, announced the recipients of the College’s 2015-16 awards at the Spring Faculty and Staff Meeting and Awards Celebration on April 27 at the Lory […]

New Asset to Aid in Research & Collaboration

You might wonder why an anthropologist would want an expensive imaging device. And, in fact, most anthropologists would not be interested in such technology.  However, paleoanthropologists look in the most unlikely places for evidence of the behavior of our ancestors.  Dr. Michael Pante, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Colorado State University (CSU), is […]

Faculty, alumni & students publish in Southwestern Lore

Dr. Jason LaBelle, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology and director of the Center for Mountain and Plains Archaeology, along with his graduate student and project archaeologist for PCRG (Paleocultural Research Group), Christopher Johnston, edited the recent volume of Southwestern Lore, “The Lithic Caches of Colorado,” in the Journal of Colorado Archaeology. Many of the […]

Congratulations FA’16 Graduates!

The Department of Anthropology would like to congratulate our Fall 2015 graduates. Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology Carolina Adams Mel Amoroso-Pohl Kristen Glauner Levi Goode Angela Huxel Jaclyn Janero Champaine Johnson Katie Lungren Molly McKeon Brady Nelson Ryan Reese Cheylin Smith Celeste Tompkins Alexandra Webb Anthropology Minor Caitlin Bubnich Jared Bunker Riley Furmanek Molly McLellan […]