- Professor
- Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropology and Geography
- Ph.D. in Anthropology, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, 1985 M.A. in Anthropology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1979 B.A. in Anthropology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1971
Curriculum Vitae:
Director, The Africa Center
Advising Faculty Member, GDPE
Kathleen Galvin is Professor of Anthropology and Director of The Africa Center. She is also an Advising Faculty member for the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at CSU. She has conducted interdisciplinary social-ecological systems research in the drylands of Africa and east Asia for over 30 years. Galvin has worked with local communities on issues of land use change, biodiversity conservation, food security and climate change impacts and adaptations. She works with local communities, ecologists, modelers, remote sensing, and GIS experts to understand human-ecological interactions.
Professor Galvin is coauthor of the American Anthropological Association Task Force Report on Global Climate Change. She is the 2017 Award Recipient, CSU John N. Stern Distinguished Professor Award and the 2017 Award for Resident Distinguished Ecologist, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at CSU. She is a lead author on the 2019 Global Assessment on the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). She is the 2021 recipient of the Baylor University Distinguished Service award to the profession.
In the News
Is Deforestation Driving Mt. Kenya’s Glacier Recession? by Jade Payne, GlacierHub | June 07, 2018
CSU prof contributed to national climate change report, SOURCE | March 02, 2015
International workshop on sustainability held by Dr. Kathleen Galvin |February 13th, 2015
Collaborators: Ecological Anthropologists at ASM explore contributions to LTER | October 28, 2012
Anthropologists Explore Climate Change, Today @ Colorado State | January 19, 2012
Africa; U.S. Great Plains; human ecology; human dimensions of global change; conservation and development; pastoralism; diet and nutrition
ANTH329, Cultural Change
ANTH400, History of Anthropological Theory
ANTH500, Development of Anthropological Theory
ANTH529, Anthropology and Sustainable Development
ANTH530, Human-Environment Interactions