Addicted to Prayer

As appearing on The New York Times | 08.03.13 by T. M. Luhrmann AS evidence accumulates about the many health benefits of religious practice, prayer is looking better and better. Some atheists have even gone public with their own prayer-for-health’s-sake practice. Take Sigfried Gold, the subject of a recent article in The Washington Post. He’s […]

An area long-rumored to contain the ‘mythical White City’ being explored

Some of the most inhospitable land in the world is found in Nicaragua. Home of the most poisonous snakes on the planet, deadliest spiders and angry, stinging plants.   It also happens to be home to an ancient city, known to many as la Ciudad Blanca, or the White City. There has been much speculation […]

Does beetle kill increase the risk of Wildfires?

As appearing in Rocky Mountain Wild | 04.16.13 Dr. Jason Sibold from Colorado State University gave testimony before Congress about what more and more scientific studies are telling us about forest fires:  that mountain pine beetle outbreaks do not necessarily increase the risk of wildfires. Despite what some politicians and land managers may be saying, […]

Anthropology alum accepts tenure-track position with Hamilton College

Seth Schermerhorn was no stranger to long study days and meetings with his advisors, Dr’s. Kathleen, Sherman, Jeffrey Snodgrass and Mary Van Buren, during his time as an undergraduate student in the Department of Anthropology. When you’re in the thick of classes, studying for mid-terms and working on those final projects for capstone, the long-game […]

Jason LaBelle Receives Award for Historic Preservation

Colorado State University Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Mountain and Plains Archaeology (CMPA), Dr. Jason LaBelle has been designated a recipient of the Stephen H. Hart Award for Historic Preservation. Named after the state’s first historic preservation officer, Stephen H. Hart, this award has honored projects and individuals for their […]

Alumna, Jessica Jackson, accepts position at United Way of Larimer County

Jessica Jackson, a 2011 graduate, recently accepted a position as the Professional Volunteer Programs Coordinator at United Way of Larimer County. Jessica is managing a number of programs for UWLC which include the Business Cares program, Volunteer Project Leaders program, Board Bank, as well as assisting with a number of volunteer events for Generation United. […]

April Biasiolli accepted fellowship with CIDRZ

April Biasiolli, a 2011 master’s graduate, recently moved to Lusaka, the capitol of the southern African nation of Zambia, to accept a fellowship with the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ). Funded by USAID, the National Institutes for Health, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, CIDRZ is an NGO that works in partnership with […]