Anthropology Graduate Student Society

Anthropology Graduate Student Society

The Anthropology Graduate Student Society (AGSS) is open to all Anthropology graduate students as well as undergraduate students and community members with an interest in anthropology.  AGSS promotes scholastic excellence, critical thinking, and a positive educational and social environment for both graduate and undergraduate students. The goals of the organization include fostering community among anthropology students and faculty, providing students with academic opportunities to learn more about anthropology, and offering opportunities to gain experience in anthropological writing, analysis and publication.


AGSS publishes a student-run journal, Furthering Perspectives, and also awards grad-student research and travel grants. Other activities include workshops and trainings, research seminars, and social and service gatherings.

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2024-25 AGSS Officers

President: Nona Nyhart
Vice President/ Furthering Perspectives Editor: Nathaniel Clements-Copeland
Treasurer: Beau Ballard-Wood
Secretary: Erin Gniewek
Department Graduate Student Liaison: Caroline Graham
College of Liberal Arts Representative: Zoey Walder-Hoge
Graduate Student Council Representative: Katie Brown
Graduate Workers Organizing Cooperative Representative: Alex Pelissero


  • Research talks and seminars
  • Workshops and trainings
  • Lunches with visitng scholars and guests
  • Local school outreach
  • Friday Afternoon Club
  • Flintknapping, hikes & excursions
  • Activities with undergraduate Anthropology Club
  • World Anthropology Day

Furthering Perspectives

Furthering Perspectives: Anthropological Views of the World is a student-run, peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Anthropology Graduate Student Society (AGSS) at Colorado State University. Furthering Perspectives aims to foster collaboration among students and faculty, and to represent student research that reflects anthropological perspectives. 

Although the journal is primarily focused on graduate students within the Department of Anthropology and Geography, editors and reviewers consider and accept submissions from anthropology and geography undergraduates as well as graduate students from other departments who can demonstrate anthropological perspectives in their submissions.

Journal editors accept submissions on an annual basis.
To learn more, read the 2024 Author Guidelines (PDF)