Supporting Student Achievement
Student scholarships and awards support education, research, and overall success on campus and in the field. The Department of Anthropology and Geography and CSU offer a range of funds to help undergraduates and graduate students cover or offset costs and expenses associated with attending college, field programs, conference and other travel, and research and engagement.

Anthropology and Geography Field School Scholarship (All eligible)
The Department of Anthropology and Geography will provide modest financial support for Colorado State University undergraduate and graduate students to support departmental Field School endeavors. Funds shall be used to help cover necessary expenses associated with field school costs including tuition and supplies. Scholarships are made on a competitive basis.
To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:
- be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts,
- have an overall and in major 3.0 GPA,
- be enrolled in one of the department's field school courses (**see more details below)
- complete a 500-word essay describing the chosen program of study, your interest in the specific program, how the completion of the program will further your career goals, and how you expect to be affected by participation in such work.
** To enroll in field school courses, students must apply to an individual field school and then be accepted into the program and course. More information on the field schools are available on our website, including contact information for field school directors.
Current field school courses include:
- Archaeology Field School: ANTH 260, ANTH 460/660 (summer course)
- Paleontology Field School: ANTH 470 (summer course)
Applications are due April 20 by 11:59 p.m. MST. A committee appointed by the Department of Anthropology and Geography Chair shall select the recipient(s). Applicants will be informed of the selection by April 30.
Anthropology Scholarship Endowment (Graduate Students)

The Anthropology Scholarship Endowment was established in 2008 for the benefit of graduate students in
any of the subdisciplines of Anthropology. To be eligible, you must:
- be a full or part-time Ph.D. candidate or MA student in Anthropology at CSU.
- have maintained a GPA of 3.5.
Doctoral candidates who have defended their dissertation proposals will have priority for funding, followed by other Ph.D. students who have completed their comprehensive papers.
Funding can be sought for field/lab/archival research or for writing the dissertation. To apply,
please submit a one-page description of your research project that includes:
- the topic and the questions you are addressing.
- the evidence you will collect and the methods for doing so.
- the intellectual merit and broader social impacts of the research.
In addition, please include:
- a schedule indicating when you will complete the different components of the research
or dissertation. - a budget that indicates expenses associated with the acquisition of data or writing the
dissertation. Please note that the amount of the award is contingent on returns on
funds invested in the Anthropology Scholarship, so full funding of the budget will not be
To apply, complete the application via link below. Applications must be submitted by February 15. A committee appointed by the Anthropology and Geography Department Chair shall select the recipient(s) by March 1.
Alex Pelissero: 2022 and 2023 Endowment Scholarship Awardee
"My endowment scholarship helped pay for both my FAA drone license classes and my 2023 fieldwork drone mapping at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. This pilot study was foundational for my dissertation research mapping the archaeology of early humans at the site, and its success was due in no small part to the funds I received from the endowment."
Karen S. Greiner Endowment (Graduate Students)
4The Karen S. Greiner Endowment is a fund administered by the CSU Department of Anthropology and Geography, which provides modest financial support ($500- $1500) for student projects that focus on the study and preservation of Colorado's rich archaeological record. Awards are made on a competitive basis, with research projects that are nearing completion and which will benefit most from the funds receiving special consideration. This award is only available to current CSU Anthropology majors or students in the CSU Anthropology graduate program.
Student proposal and overview (to be uploaded on the application form) should include a cover letter that provides contact information, a title page, names of references who will submit letters of recommendation (submitted separately -- see below) in addition to a 2-3 page proposal that includes the following:
1) an overview of the research that includes the question(s) to be addressed; the significance of these questions; and the methods used to address them
2) a description of the component of the research for which you are seeking funding and its importance with regard to the overall research design, and
3) a budget.
Applicants should direct references to submit letters of recommendation to Graduate Coordinator Mary Van Buren ( with Subject: "Greiner reference letter" and applicant's name by the application deadline.
Call for applications open: February 1
Application deadline: March 14
Award announcements: March 24
Recipients are expected to submit a brief report on the funded research by the following March 15.
In the event that no worthy proposals are received, the available funds will be added to the Endowment.

Anthropology Graduate Student Research Award
The Department of Anthropology and Geography provides research funding of up to $1,500 for Ph.D. students and $1,000 for MA students to cover the cost of anthropological research (including travel, lodging, necessary research-related equipment or analyses). All equipment purchases more than $500 need approval from the chair, and computers are not eligible for purchase through this award!
Award amounts are flexible and will vary based on the number of applicants, funding required for the conference, and amount of funding awarded from outside sources. Smaller sums of money will be awarded for local and regional research. See other scholarship and award opportunities on this page for additional funding.
Students may apply for research funds one (1) time per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Master’s students are limited to receiving funds one (1) time during their tenure at CSU. Ph.D. students are not limited in the number of years they may apply.
- Application due by March 10
- Travel and reimbursements must be between July – December.
- Complete application form at button link below. Include research abstract, budget form signed by advisor, and other relevant information in form.
- Final selections will be made within two weeks of the application closing date. Applications will be evaluated based on a rubric designed by department graduate students and faculty.
To be eligible you must meet the following requirements:
- Student must be currently enrolled in the Department of Anthropology and Geography graduate program as a MA or PhD student.
- Completed applications must include:
- A research abstract (~100 words)
- A budget form signed by the student’s advisor
- Other relevant documents as outlined in the form
Note: If traveling internationally, students are required to register with the Office of Education Abroad prior to departure
- After funds are awarded, the student MUST complete department and CSU reimbursement requirements, which will be shared with recipients.
Additional Funding Resources
Colorado Archaeological Society Alice Hamilton Scholarships
Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship
Nebraska Archaeological Society College Scholarships
Society for American Archaeology Native American Scholarship Fund
Cynthia Kordecki Scholarship (North Dakota Archaeological Association)
Field School