Field Schools

CSU Anthropology and Geography offers field school courses that cover our department's major disciplines.

Anthropology and geography have long-standing traditions of field research. Indeed, part of the appeal of our disciplines involves the desire and opportunity to travel to new places, near and far, where researchers and scholars gain insight and experience. Field research is a necessity for many anthropologists and geographers, and should be considered by anyone planning a career in archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and geography.

Since our first Archaeology Field School in 1969, our department has organized programs that introduce students to fieldwork and research, enable them to apply knowledge and methods learned in classrooms, and develop career skills. Through the years, we have offered field programs in Archaeology, Ethnography, and Paleontology.

Enrollments fill quickly, so submit your applications early!

The following are excellent reasons to enroll in one of our department's field school courses:

  • Each utilizes the best instructional mode -- learning by immersion.
  • Completion of a summer field course yields a high number of credits in a short amount of time.
  • A formal field school education will prepare you for potential volunteer field opportunities.
  • You will learn if you like field work before applying to a graduate program.
  • Successful field school completion will be a nice addition to your college transcripts.
  • The faculty to student ratio in the field is much better than it is in a classroom.
  • You will contribute to research while gaining course credits and you might use this experience to continue engaging in research after the field season ends.

In short, attending one of our field schools is an educational bargain -- and a lifetime opportunity!