

  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Professor
  • Concentration:

    • Biological Anthropology
  • Department:

    • Anthropology and Geography
  • Education:

    • Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1999 B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1990
  • Curriculum Vitae:


Advising Faculty Member, GDPE
Director, Human Origins Laboratory

Dr. Mica Glantz received her B.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently a Professor of Anthropology at Colorado State University and Director of the Human Origins Laboratory. Dr. Glantz is a paleoanthropologist who specializes in Neanderthal paleobiology and paleogeography. Her research has focused on hominin dental and craniofacial morphology as well as Paleolithic archaeology in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. She was a Fulbright Scholar from 2007-08 in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Currently, she is collaborating on a multi-disciplinary project the goals of which are to establish a chronological framework for Central Asian Paleolithic sites, survey for new sites, and test ecological models used to explain hominin landscape exploitation strategies during periods of climatic deterioration in Uzbekistan. Dr. Glantz has been published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, the Journal of Human Evolution, Nature, Antiquity, and theJournal of Biogeography.


Human evolution; the Paleolithic of Central Asia; Neandertal paleobiology; biogeography and GIS; dental anthropology


Beeton, T.A., M.M. Glantz, A.K. Trainer, S.S. Temirbekov and R.M. Reich (2013) The fundamental hominin niche in late Pleistocene Central Asia: a preliminary refugium modelJournal of Biogeography 1-51. doi:10.1111/jbi.12183

LaBelle, J.M., C.M. Johnston and M.M. Glantz (2013) The Lutes site, A Middle Archaic Burial Locale along the South Platte River of Logan County, Colorado. Southwestern Lore 79 (2): 13-36.

Smith, T.M., D.J. Reid, A.J. Olejniczak, S. Bailey, M. Glantz, B. Viola and J.-J. Hublin (2011) Dental development and age at death of a Middle Paleolithic juvenile hominin from Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, Uzbekistan. S. Condemi and G.-C. Weniger (eds.), Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study, Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg.

Glantz, M. (2010) The history of hominin occupation of Central Asia in review. C. Norton and D.Braun (eds.), Asian Paleoanthropology: From Africa to China and Beyond. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg, pp. 101-112.

Glantz, M., S. Athreya and T. Ritzman (2009) Is Central Asia the eastern outpost of the Neandertal range? A reassessment of the Teshik-Tash child. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138(1):45-61.

Glantz, M., B. Viola, P. Wrinn, T. Chikisheva, A. Derevianko, A. Krivoshapkin, U. Islamov, R. Suleimanov and T. Ritzman (2008) New Hominin Remains from Uzbekistan. Journal of Human Evolution 55(2):223-237.

Bailey,S., M. Glantz, T. Weaver and B. Viola (2008) The affinity of the dental remains from Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, Uzbekistan. Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2): 238-248

Glantz, M. and J. Galm (2008) The Paleolithic occupation of Central Asia in review: comments on the importance of Kazakhstan in Quaternary studies of the region. Z. Taimagembetov (ed.), Materials of the international scientific conference, the role of steppe cities in nomadic civilization devoted to the 10 year anniversary of the city of Astana, pp. 84-90.