Masters Student


  • Office Hours:

    Wednesday: 2pm-3:30pm Friday: 11:00am-1:00pm
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • Masters Student
    • Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Concentration:

    • Archaeology
    • Humans and the Environment Specialization
  • Department:

    • Anthropology and Geography
  • Education:

    • B.A. Natural Resources and the Environment, Sewanee: The University of the South


Caroline is a current masters student primarily interested in the interactions between people and place-making. Working with the kinetic interplay between ecological, geological, climatic, and human agents, Caroline explores how and why communities construct and maintain modifications to the land, addressing the roles of the natural, built, and ideational environments within complex Eastern Woodland social landscapes.

While completing her B.A. in Natural Resources with a minor in Archaeology at Sewanee: The University of the South, she developed an interdisciplinary perspective rooted in geology, soil science, forestry, and land use to better understand the dynamic interconnectedness of cultural institutions and their modifications on the greater ecosystem. While completing her M.A. under the mentorship of Dr. Edward Henry, Caroline is working to build a strong foundation in anthropogenic archaeology with skills in geoarchaeology and geophysics, discussing broader social complexities of the prehistoric Southeast, cultural relationships with the environment, and the short and long-term management practices used to shape the ever shifting landscape.

If not working in the lab in the Center for Research in Archaeogeophysics and Geoarchaeology, you could easily find Caroline cycling through the Front Range or backpacking in the Rockies.

Research Interests
Soil Science; Geoarchaeology; Landscape archaeology; Micromorphology; Remote sensing; Human-environment interaction; Social ecological systems; Political ecology; Social ecology; Historical ecology; Paleoenvironmental reconstruction