First Class! CSU Students Prepare for Museum and Cultural Heritage Careers

First Class! CSU Students Prepare for Museum and Cultural Heritage Careers Joshua Zaffos A new and equipped group of future museum curators and cultural heritage managers from Colorado State University is ready for admission. The first class of graduates from the Department of Anthropology and Geography’s Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies Certificate completed the program […]

Anthropology and Geography Students Show Off at Undergraduate Research Showcase

Anthropology and Geography Students Show Off at Undergraduate Research Showcase Joshua Zaffos During a challenging year for student engagement and research, undergraduate students in the Colorado State University Department of Anthropology and Geography stepped up and earned awards during the 2021 Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) Showcase. The annual program, which was virtual this […]

Panel Explores How Anthropologists Engage with the Public

Panel Explores How Anthropologists Engage with the Public Joshua Zaffos A panel of Colorado State University Anthropology and Geography faculty, students and alumni discussed how and why anthropologists should be public figures and engaging with popular audiences during a virtual program on April 2. The hour-long panel, “Anth to the People! Public Anthropology in the […]

Opportunity beckons Geography student to London School of Economics

Opportunity beckons Geography student to London School of Economics Joshua Zaffos Additional content by Becca Lee-Simpson Justin Smith was touring London during a post-high-school gap year when he stumbled upon his future. After wandering the famed West End District, Smith found himself gazing at the iconic arch-framed entrance of the Old Building of the London […]

Public Anthropology students offer “Takes from the Anthropocene” on podcast series

Last fall, Professor Kate Browne charged undergraduate students in Public Anthropology and Global Environmental Challenges (ANTH 405) to explore worldwide social and environmental issues and dilemmas. Students in the class created a podcast series and brought public anthropology to airwaves and earbuds.