In Remembrance: Barbara Hawthorne (1949-2023) April 30, 2023 Joshua Zaffos CSU Anthropology instructor and university alum Barb Hawthorne passed away February 2023 (Image via Tim Moore) Colorado State University anthropology instructor and alumna Barbara Hawthorne passed away this February, leaving a legacy as a compassionate teacher and practitioner who helped developed some of the department’s […]
CSU Anthropologists Host Paleoecology Summit June 24, 2022 Joshua Zaffos Researchers who study the evolution and adaptations of Homo sapiens and other hominin species across hundreds of thousands to millions of years face a constant challenge: reconstructing long-long-long-ago paleoenvironments. Not surprisingly, ancient fossil records are incomplete and imperfect, and while some species may preserve well, many […]
Galvin Wins University Distinguished Professor Award Award recognizes 30-plus-year career integrating anthropology and conservation and serving CSU May 23, 2022 Josh Zaffos A pioneer in interdisciplinary anthropological research, Dr. Kathleen Galvin has been recognized as a University Distinguished Professor at Colorado State University. Galvin, who has been faculty since 1994 and received her Anthropology bachelor’s […]
Last fall, Professor Kate Browne charged undergraduate students in Public Anthropology and Global Environmental Challenges (ANTH 405) to explore worldwide social and environmental issues and dilemmas. Students in the class created a podcast series and brought public anthropology to airwaves and earbuds.
In a 2021 monthly series, we share stories that reflect our curiosity, ability to adapt, engagement with the community, and research and creative expertise. This month, we are focusing on our adaptability and determination.